A short guide to laptop friendly cafes

Stephen Dawson
3 min readMar 9, 2020

It’s a common sight. An oat latte sitting next to a Macbook Air, phone out on the table, and an aroma of self-righteous busyness.

With a viable work-space and caffeinated beverage most likely waiting at home or at the office — why do people want to go out and spend money on coffee to find a place to work?

Simply put, working in a cafe is a pleasant pastime that sparks creativity and productivity.

If you’re going to dedicate your life to working on a computer you have every right to be fussy about where to do it.

Most will tell you they can’t really concentrate in an office. Distractions come thick and fast. Personally — I’m more likely to lose my train of thought amongst people I know and need to acknowledge. The overwhelming stream of phone calls, fruit deliveries, and banter knocks my attention off the rails and onto twitter.

This is especially devastating for meaningful work. It can take a long time to fully regain concentration after a trivial interruption.

Think about how many interruptions you faced in the office today. Add up the time it took you to shift back into your workflow. If interruptions can cost this much time, it’s surely worth investing in a solution.

